Congratulations SoC Malaysian Nationals Qualifier winners!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It was a very exciting game as the finalists battle to rule over the island of Catan.
Alex Liew and Alex Loh were both leading the charge with very powerful early plays, while a string of bad luck (and robbers) keeps attacking Amran and his meager settlements. But lady luck was not with Alex Liew and Alex Loh, as they find themselves having nothing to do during their turns long enough for some strategic brilliant play by Sujatha who sneaked through a victory quietly beneath the finalists' noses with Amran taking the last nationals slot in a surprising but powerful late game comeback.

Don't worry Alex and Alex, hopefully we can run another one next year! Or better yet, join the remaining qualifiers in KL!

Looks like Amran's getting ahead of himself with his surprise runner-up win of the Qualifier. Congratulations, nevertheless!

Congratulations, Sujatha, Melaka Settlers of Catan Malaysian Nationals Qualifier winner!
Labels: Event, Settlers of Catan
Author: QJ Wong » Comments:
They're coming...

It looks like exciting times ahead in Lorwyn... How does planeswalkers work and what does the number means? No one knows for sure... except those in WtoC.
Pre-release on the 29th and 30th of September!
They're coming! Are you ready?
Labels: Magic
Author: QJ Wong » Comments:
Settlers of Catan Malaccan Nationals Qualifier!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Win 2 slots to the Settlers of Catan Malaysian Nationals to stand a chance to win an all-expense paid trip to Essen, Germany from 19-22 October this year to represent Malaysia in the International Final!
Date: 18th August 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 12.00 noon.
Venue: ACR1007, Multimedia University Melaka CampusRules and regulations:
* Setup is as per the standard setup in page 13-14 of the Almanac
* Player to count their game items before game commences - 5
settlements, 4 cities and 15 roads
* Highest of 2D6 starts the game, and next player in clockwise order.
* When a player decides to end his/her turn, say "Pass" and hand
over the dice to the next player.
* The 2D6 dice must be rolled properly; not dropped or rolled from
a low height
* If one or more dice is tipped more than half or drops to the
floor, re-roll BOTH dice
* Players can only talk to the active player; offering and accepting trades
* No suggestions or table talk to be made when another player is
taking his turn
* No transitive player trading is allowed; e.g. player 1 offering
an item for player 2 to be passed to player 3 later
* Any resource production not collected in the active turn is
deemed to be lost when the active player has passed his turn to the
next player
* Game ends immediately when a player has reached 10 VPs.
Author: QJ Wong » Comments:
[MtG] The "Lorwyn" Qualifier *POSTPONED*!
We regret to inform everyone that the Qualifier will be postponed until the 16th of September due to a large number of events in the upcoming weekends, including the Nationals qualifier which is on the exact date of the original date of the event.
The event information now looks like this:
Venue: ACR1007, Multimedia University Melaka Campus
Date: 16th September 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 1.00 PM (Registration starts at 12.30 PM)
Entry Fee: RM10 (RM15 for non-club members)
Format: STANDARD Constructed ( Build a deck of a minimum 60 card from the sets of 10th Edition, RAVNICA, GUILDPACT, DISSENSSION, COLDSNAP,TIMESPIRAL, PLANAR CHAOS and FUTURE SIGHT only)
1st - RM100 Cash Rebate* OR 4x Drafts
2nd to 3rd - RM50 Cash Rebate* OR 2x Drafts
4th - 1x Draft
5th to LAST - 1x Booster Pack
Tournament will be run in a certain number of swiss rounds (depending on the number of players) with a top 4 cut into elimination rounds. There will be a playoff for 3rd place between the top 4 players who did not made it for the finals.
*Only redeemable on the pre-release itself from QJ. Only for the usage of paying for the pre-release. You may opt for the 4x Drafts if you cannot make it for the pre-release last minute.
Please contact QJ at 017-3479512 or OR for additional information!Labels: Announcement, Event, Magic
Author: QJ Wong » Comments:
[MtG] The "Lorwyn" Qualifier!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Welcome to the start of the new Magic: The Gathering X-"Qualifier" series! Starting from the upcoming Lorwyn set coming out in October, we are going to run tournaments that will qualify you for 'sponsorship' to the prerelease events in the form of cash rebates for a total of RM200!
Venue: ACR1007, Multimedia University Melaka Campus
Date: 19th August 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 1.00 PM (Registration starts at 12.30 PM)
Entry Fee: RM10
Format: STANDARD Constructed ( Build a deck of a minimum 60 card from the sets of 10th Edition, RAVNICA, GUILDPACT, DISSENSSION, COLDSNAP,TIMESPIRAL, PLANAR CHAOS and FUTURE SIGHT only)
1st - RM100 Cash Rebate* OR 4x Drafts
2nd to 3rd - RM50 Cash Rebate* OR 2x Drafts
4th - 1x Draft
5th to LAST - 1x Booster Pack
*Only redeemable on the pre-release itself from QJ. Only for the usage of paying for the pre-release. You may opt for the 4x Drafts if you cannot make it for the pre-release last minute.
Please contact QJ at 017-3479512 or OR for additional information!
Labels: Announcement, Event, Magic
Author: QJ Wong » Comments: