Latest MtG Events Attendance Rankings 25/4/07
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Latest MtG Events Attendance Rankings:-
1. Kelvin - 17.5
2. Zul - 13
3. Alex Liew - 12
4. Razz - 9.5
5. Alex Loh - 8
6. Amran - 6
7. Eric - 5
8. Siew - 5
9. Soo - 3
10. Yeap - 2
Drafts1. Kelvin - 10
2. Zul - 7
3. Razz - 5.5
4. Alex Loh - 5
5. Amran - 5
6. Eric - 5
7. Siew - 5
8. Alex Liew - 3.5
9. Soo - 3
10. Yeap - 2
Not too long now... before the end of this semester's events. Better make sure you attend the rest :)
Labels: Announcement, Attendance, Magic
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